Our pup is in his first day of crate-freedom. What we thought was separation anxiety we’re now thinking is actual containment phobia, based on what we’ve read. We set up a webcam, and so far so good. He is definitely missing us, but is not in a frenzy of anxiety and fear-driven mania. It was scary to see him so frantic, and he ground down two of his teeth trying to get out of the crate. Now he’s just laying on the rug in our living room staring at the door. I’d rather have a pup missing us than a pup hurting himself. Oddly enough we used to think the cats slept all day, boy were we wrong!
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I would love to have a webcam on our dog to see what he does while we are away. Glad to hear Clive is enjoying his freedom.
I am so happy for you guys and Clive!