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Scenes from the Weekend

By January 23, 2013Food, Uncategorized, Weekend

We were hit with some crazy weather this past weekend. I’m really not trying to start every post with the weather, but this is worth noting.

On Saturday, it got into the 60’s. Neil washed and waxed the cars AND cleaned the garage (he loves his domain) while I got a nice run in — in a t-shirt.


Sorry, no selfies, just a pic of my shoes (I LOVE my New Balance Minimus’s — Christmas gift from Neil). It was so nice to run in less than three layers and weird to see everyone either spring cleaning or barbecuing.


I mixed together my first loaf of sourdough bread from a starter (!!) and considered opening the window for some fresh air because the starter was stinking up the joint.


We took the dogs on a nice long walk and then set to work making the baked hot wings I was craving after our Paleo Hot and Spicy Ribs last week.



We made traditional hot and a sesame-ginger and burnt our fingers and mouths eating them right out of the oven.


Spicy sweet potato wedges on the side…


Sunday morning Neil got up for his run and it was about 40 degrees colder. I felt so bummed for him, but he seemed unphased about the whole thing. We’ve been tossing around the idea of signing up for a group relay or adventure race this year, so more cold runs could definitely become the norm.


Post-run lunch: Super spicy stir fry and…


Hot chocolate!

MLK Day was all about the great bread experiment around here. I like doing a super-slow rise, so after spending 10 hours in the refrigerator, my bread spent 18 hours on the outside…


Definitely had the sourdough smell going…


For lunch, we made an easy Bacon, Egg, Avocado and Tomato Salad from Mark’s Daily Apple we’re now obsessed with. My sister is constantly sharing food recipes she finds online on Facebook (she’s mostly Paleo/Primal too), and this one just looked to die for. So yummy and ridiculously simple, I’m kicking myself for not thinking of it myself. What’s better than eggs, bacon and avocado? Nothing.


Spent a good portion of the rest of the day with this…


And then…


Bread! Amazing bread! Don’t worry, I’m not overlooking sharing my experience, I’m working on a post!

So, awesome weekend! Just one more before we get to our crazy traveling February!