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By January 16, 2009Uncategorized

You can pick this sweet stampe up from Kiosk!

Just a few more days till Obama is sworn in!

I’m not usually one for people who constantly resort to the weather to make conversation, but it is REALLY REALLY cold, and the air is like tiny knives. There is no amount of lotion or chapstick to save your skin from the biting cold. Thankfully, according to the meteorologist, relief is on the way, although I have to consider their accuracy rate and respond with skepticism.

I wish I could say we’ve done lots of exciting things worth talking about, but really all we’ve managed to do is attempt to stay warm. Neil was getting a little cabin-feverish, so earlier in the week we went to Truman’s for wings and beer. It made me so thankful that it is now 2009 and not 1990. For those of you who didn’t know, I grew up in Minnesota, the birthplace of “Cabin Fever.” Seasonal depression wasn’t just a statement of mood, it was an actual serious condition that plagued many people during the winter. In 2009 we have more gyms, restaurants, THE INTERNET, and hundreds of cable TV options. In 1990, in small-town Minnesota, we had a Pizza Hut, The Bierstube and maybe 40 channels. The feelings of isolation, boredom and seclusion were a lot more severe and really just pummeled the crap out of people’s well being. Remember the movie Fargo?

We have a bit of a list of things to do this weekend:

  • Order books for Neil’s classes
  • Program an application for my work website
  • Freelance Design for Howard
  • Finalize our registry
  • Take down Christmas decorations (I’m really ashamed they are still up)
  • Write letter to Grandparents
  • Finish The Da Vinci Code
  • Proofread newsletters for work
  • Go to the gym twice
  • Try new light wheat bread recipe in the bread machine
  • Bake peanut butter cookies
  • Clean bathrooms, vacuum, and tidy kitchen
  • Research herbs

If we can get this accomplished, we’ll be in good shape for next week! I wish you a great weekend! Congratulations to Andrew and Tiff on their brand new baby boy Austin!