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Prayers for Joplin and Minneapolis

By May 23, 2011Family, Friends, Weather


I snapped a few photos of the clouds last night after terrible storms ripped through our area. They were incredible, as was the sky, which blanketed our area in a glowing pink and gold sunset. Near Springfield, our friends were snapping photos of a beautiful rare double rainbow. It amazes us that amidst such terrible destruction, we witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve seen in ages.

As Neil is from Southwest Missouri, about an hour east of where a tornado has devastated Joplin, and I’m from Minnesota, where another tornado hit North Minneapolis last night, we were huddled around the police scanner and news reports all evening. Our family and friends are safe, but our thoughts are with those in need and suffering, particularly in Joplin. If you are able, please donate what you are able to the Red Cross.