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So Grateful

By October 26, 2011October 31st, 2011Family

Regular posting will resume tomorrow, but I couldn’t let it go unsaid how absolutely grateful and blessed we’ve been by your support and kind words over the past week. They have meant the absolute world during a tough time.

Although it was a sad occasion, both the visitation and funeral were truly a celebration of my Grandpa’s life. Over 500 people attended the visitation on Friday. The room was done up beautifully with flowers and mementos from his life. He had a full Catholic mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, which has been our family’s “official” church for many years. A military burial followed, with a rifle and taps salute.

I think he would have gotten a kick out of the fuss everyone made for him, especially the police escort through town. Again, thank you so much for your kind messages and support, now to figure out how to move forward into this “new” normal…

About the image: This is only image I really captured while in MN. It is the sanctuary and alter at the Cathedral. I’m in no way religious, but it remains one of the most beautiful places to me. The art was done by a descendant of mine, Anton Gág. I used to tell my Grandpa that the tabernacle is where Jesus kept the “good dishes.” He always let me believe that was true…


  • Blake says:


    I say that for many reasons.

    1) Over 500 people. Wow! Its got to be nice to know that your Grandpa was loved by so many.
    2) Military Funeral. Wow! They did the same for my Grandpa, I found it very neat, it the men that performed that part of the service were very respectful and caring, even though they didn’t know the family.
    3)The Artwork is amazing! Wow!
    4) The tabernacle is where Jesus keeps the good dishes. That made me laugh out loud. I love it!

  • I’m so sorry to hear about your Grandpa’s passing. He sounds like an amazing man! <3 Sending love.