Just a little photo dump to share some of the photos from Kaitlan’s first birthday. I think she had a lot of fun being the center of attention, but she definitely crashed hard when second naptime came around — unfortunately it was during cake. She ate a little bit, but we knew she wasn’t going to be a cake-smash kid, so when she was done, I just put her in the Ergo and she conked out for an hour or so.
She received a lot of lovely gifts, including a dozen or so new books (her favorite), a ball pit, musical instruments, lotion, little people, building blocks and new outfits. My mom also finished the quilt we started before Kaitlan was born, so that was really special to see. All in all, a really great day.
I can’t believe we are the parents of a 1 year-old. I have another post brewing (dont’ I always!) about things we’ve learned in the past year — so look for that.
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