I can’t believe it’s already Wednesday! We had an awesome, super productive weekend.
Do you plan your weekends?
We’re getting better at planning our weekends in order to pack all we want into them. Typically around Thursday, we start a list of all the things we need to get done, or want to do, and we then literally block out the time for each item. We’ve done this in Asana, but also just on paper.
This allows us to know what is supposed to happen when and eliminates a lot of sitting around because we don’t know when it’s okay to start something. Planning our weekends allows us to pass Kaitlan back and forth more seamlessly, and also makes sure that if there are things we want to do for ourselves, that those things are spoken and not left unsaid.
We started with tacos!
Friday night was CrossFit and hanging around the house. Kaitlan is starting to mimic our habits, including post-WOD mobility. She brought her baby and our mobility stick into the kitchen and started rolling the baby out. We were in tears. She also loves foam rolling and us guiding her through stretches and using the stick on her legs.
I finally tried Arctic Zero for the first time, pretty awesome!
Saturday morning I coached the 9:00 am class and then played with Kaitlan while Neil mowed. Kaitlan managed to carry my 5-lb. weighted ball from my closet to the bed, pretty impressive! She was grunting and growling and clapped for herself at the end. It’s ridiculous how our lifestyle is rubbing off on her!
She’s also starting to sit still for books again — whew!!
Kaitlan was so happy playing that she didn’t go down for a nap until like 4:30pm(!!). She was so completely sacked out that we were able to move her from the stroller to the bed, and enjoyed over an hour of time to ourselves. I used my time to have a beer and enjoy my current read.
Sunday was errands, car washing, food prep and a little gardening. We had the last of the stumps from the 2014 mega-storm ground down, and the land leveled. We are now in the process of seeding, getting new trees and planning some landscape updates.
I also planted some greens! Did a few mixes and some kale. Definitely keeping it simple this year, trying to do more flowers.
Kaitlan fell asleep in the stroller again…
So I put her down in our bed and did some client work, and some work on our own new site, which is still in progress, but almost done!
We closed out our weekend with meal prepping and awesome BBQ! The warm weather is making food prep so easy and Kaitlan will eat her weight in chicken if it is barbecued.
Food prep this week included eggs, applesauce, my overnight oats, and several snacks for Kaitlan, including these muffins.
We both ended the weekend feeling satisfied that we’d accomplished a lot, even if we didn’t hit everything on our list. Planning our weekends ahead makes our ridiculously busy weekends (and relationship) so much smoother.
How do you guys plan your weekends?
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