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Meal Planning (6/7-6/13)

Meal Planning - Kohler Created

Woops! We kind of fell off the meal planning wagon last week. Between returning from Regionals late Sunday night, Neil being on call all week, going live with a client site and getting ready for Neil’s next race this weekend, things got a little crazy.


We got back into the groove and did our normal Sunday shopping. Grilled pork chops and potatoes and veggies to start the week (through Tuesday), and then we’re playing it by ear (or grocery sales) for later in the week. We’re sitting at $66 for the week, with ingredients for breakfasts and lunch as well.


Neil’s race is this weekend, so I’ll be flying solo with Beeb. I’m thinking about just making up a bunch of salads to have at the ready and then her purees and meat. Rachel is coming into town Saturday evening, so I’m thinking dinner out for that day.

Beeb Food

Beeb food continues to be exciting. It’s fun to sit down each night and have a meal as a family, something Neil and I were pretty bad about pre-baby — we ate in our office nearly every night.

KK – Eating Broccoli (8 months) from Kohler Created on Vimeo.

She really loves broccoli, Greek yogurt and sweet potato and she is enjoying meat much more now that it’s not puree’d. She nom’d all the pork chop we gave her last night! I also feel like we’ll be ready to transition to sippy cup for all but night feedings soon. We’ve caught her using them on her own several times. As a follow-up to a previous post, I highly recommend the Munchkin Miracle Trainer cup. I wish they made them for adults!

A few mantras we’re living by: 

  • We structure her meals like our own, protein, veggies and/or fruit at every meal.
  • We offer plenty of variety and make it fun to play with.
  • She sips on water or milk with every meal, and we encourage good conversation.

Just so crazy how fast her little brain is going and all the connections she is making. She is just taking off!