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Reviewing Michelob ULTRA Light Cider…after a half-marathon?

By June 25, 2012June 28th, 2012Beer, Blogher, Product Review


It’s no secret that we really don’t review a lot of products around here. We talk a lot about the equipment we’ve purchased for our various hobbies, as well as the rationale for how we came to select them, and sometimes we stumble on something we end up loving, but when it comes to randomly being assigned or given something to try, we seem to come up a little short. I think the reasoning falls into two categories: A) Since becoming mostly Paleo, most of what we consume doesn’t have a brand and  B) few things come around that we honestly feel are relevant to both our lifestyle and interests, and that we would actually buy without being given an incentive.


That being said, lightning struck and we happened upon the opportunity to try a product that we (mostly me) were honestly interested to try: Michelob Ultra Light Cider, a new light hard cider that just came out this month. Hard ciders, aside from good stouts, are my all-time favorite adult beverages. They are my go-to for nearly every Fall event, and I’m never without some in the fridge come September. But as seasons change and the weather gets warmer, it’ just not the same. Most ciders are, for me at least, too heavy for warm weather. Sure, sometimes I still sneak them in, but it’s just not the same.


So when Michelob’s latest offering promised to be light, naturally sweetened, gluten-free and good over ice, I couldn’t resist the chance at a hard cider that would work for all the hot summer activities we have planned this year. And without sounding too cheesy, it was everything they said it would be. Super light, with a great, though possibly familiar, green apple taste. I didn’t mind, but I was instantly reminded of all the green apple-flavored candy I’d ever had as a kid. That being said, it was lightly sweet, which I appreciate now that I no longer have the same taste for anything super sweet anymore. I was definitely impressed.


A funny side-story. I purchased my 6-pack a few weeks ago, on the weekend of my first half-marathon. As the forecast climbed and temperatures appeared to be headed into the nineties, I joked that the last cider in my pack would be perfect around mile 6. I’m weird like that. While Neil didn’t offer it to me halfway while switching out my water bottles, he did surprise me by pulling it from the cooler immediately following the race. I was ecstatic. I think the picture he snapped says it all.

Definitely worth a try, so visit Michelob’s site here for more information and to find a retailer that carries it.

Michelob ULTRA Light Cider page on
Sponsor’s site

Note: Michelob ULTRA and BlogHer have reimbursed us for the purchase of this product as well as provided compensation for writing the post. Our opinions given in reviews are always our own. (Disclosure)


  • Rachel says:

    Thank you for posting this! I love hard ciders like Woodchuck but the calories are just too high. I will have to give this a shot 🙂

  • Leah says:

    Yum! I love hard cider (woodchuck is also my fav) and I have been eyeing this out of curiosity. I’ll have to try it when we get back from our vacation.

    • Jessica says:

      I’m a Winter Woodchuck fan as well. I also really like J.K’s Scrumpy’s Cider varieties (there are 2-3 I think) and Beanblossom Hard Cider by Oliver Winery.