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Holiday Weekend

Finally got around to uploading all the pictures from Memorial Day weekend. We had a pretty low-key weekend, which was nice. Lots of web design, time with friends and a great Hero WOD to cap the weekend.


On Saturday morning I ventured out in the rain to cheer on the ladies (and gentlemen) running the Go Girl Half Marathon. If you remember, I ran that half last year (my first), and it was miserably hot. Well, this year the temperature was perfect, but it rained nearly the whole time. I did manage to catch some pics before the rain started:






Aurora and Cat

After that, Neil and I set to work on some web work for a few clients, while of course watching some DOTA tournaments on our Google TV.


Also had a ton of Lamb Korma (from Simply Recipes). So good!


On Sunday, I did a little baking. I made the Paleo Lemon Poppy seed bread I had on my weekend bucket list. It turned out well, but I just love non-paleo quick breads so much more. Just one of those things that’s worth a cheat if you really love the real thing. Still turned out really well and I got lots of compliments on it. Recipe forthcoming.


Although our yard is still a lake, we did manage to get back there to harvest our first crop of lettuce, which we promptly ate.


I also made a batch of sourdough bread. I haven’t made any in a while. Can’t believe Kenny the sourdough starter is going on 5 months old!



For dinner, Neil made an awesome stir fry.


Monday was all about “Murph.” Murph is a CrossFit Hero WOD that many boxes do on Memorial Day to commemorate our troops. The story of Lt. Michael Murphy is truly inspiring, and although a simple workout does little to honor the ultimate sacrifice he made, it does serve to collectively remember it, and put him and other service members in the forefront of our thoughts.

The workout is:

For time:
1 mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 mile Run

Neil and I both broke the workouts into 20 rounds of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups and 15 squats. The miles were definitely tough. The first mile was the warm-up, which is never fun and the last mile was exhausting after all those squats. We both were out on the street running it at the same time, and our legs completely felt like lead.

When I came back, Danielle, another athlete, was still doing the workout, so I finished hers with her, tacking on another mile so she’d have someone to run with. The third mile oddly felt the best.



Neil finished in 48:16 and I finished in 54:10. I definitely want to try it again before the end of the year to see if I can get any faster. We ended the morning with a group shot. Love these guys!

So I didn’t tackle everything on my weekend bucket list, but I’m still pretty happy. I still want that smoothie…

Did you use the holiday to get a good workout in?


  • Chrissy says:

    How do you store your starter once it’s, well, started? I’m only on day two, but it looks good so far and I’m thinking ahead!

    • Jessica says:

      You need to store it on your counter for a minimum of 7 days, though most breadheads suggest at least 90. Whenever it’s on the counter, you need to feed daily. After that 7 day mark, if you choose to refrigerate, I feed every 4-7 days. Obviously with feeding, every time you feed it, you have to remove some as well. Does that help?

  • Katie Lillard says:

    Can’t believe Kenny is already 5 months, I remember reading about him when you were first starting him 🙂 The sourdough looks good like always!