Missouri is a state of weather extremes. We don’t get that nice rain that brings out the earthworms and helps flowers grow. We get monsoons. And it floods, turning your perfectly adorable yard into a gnat-infested jungle swamp. Or if you’re our poor neighbors a dangerous debris field of falling tree limbs. That’s right. The ground is so saturated here that trees are starting to just tip over. And to think, last year it was above 100 degrees for nearly three months with NO rain. We just can’t win here. I don’t want to say I’m having second thoughts about not moving to Denver, but it’s getting pretty ridiculous around here.
At least the flowers seem happy for now…
On a lighter note, I survived teaching my first CrossFit classes!
Like a total dork, I showed up two classes early to watch one of the other new coaches teach to prepare myself. Immediately I noticed he only had about 5-7 people in each of his classes, which is pretty low for our gym these days. I started to get a little worried that I would end up with a huge 6:00 class. Thankfully, he offered to stick around and help if my class was big. And it was — 16 people! Because we only have 6 sets of rings, we had to split the group into 3 heats, the last of which ran into my next class block. I ended up warming up that group (a mere 7) outside while the previous class finished with the other coach, and then had to move my second class through the strength portion rather quickly because we also had our on-ramp (for those new to CrossFit) scheduled for that evening as well. ::Deep breath::
The gym was absolutely packed, and by the end my voice was totally hoarse. But I made it! I echo what other new CrossFit coaches have said. The Level 1 certification in no ways prepares you for the realities and quick thinking that coaching requires. That being said, I am so excited to finally be coaching!
What was the highlight of your week?
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