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4-25-2009 PDX Pictures, Videos, and thoughts

By April 27, 2009Automotive, Neil, Racing

Race weekend at Gateway International Raceway

I think they day went really well. The weather cooperated and it was pretty nice out. My goals for the weekend was to work on a faster race line, get my heel-toe shifting smoother, and just get more comfortable with my car and setup. By the end of the day I feel that I was moving quite a bit faster than the last track day. I learned a few race lines through turn 5 and 6, and started consistently executing turn 7 which always seemed to give me a bit of trouble. My instructor said that he thinks I am ready for going solo.

The highlight of my day was probably passing the Ferrari (video to come on that) and in my last session consistently nailing every race line and heel-toe. I was really booking and I looked down at my speed and noticed that my gas light was on, lol, so I let my instructor know that I was out of gas and we pitted in.

Other than that, we had one viper spin out on the first run, then we had another viper spin out and hit the wall on another run. I didnt take any pictures of it as they asked that no one takes pictures of incidents if they happen. However I did see the car and it was a shame, the whole left side of the car will need body work.


Here are a few of my favorite pics:


You can view all the pictures using password: “skidcity” HERE


Some out of car clips of us in HD


My second session out, battling through the pack to pass the ferrari.



Looking forward to the next track day, hope you enjoyed the pictures and video!
