Breakfast for Dinner and Clive’s Latest Acquisition
October 6, 2011
Breakfast for Dinner and Clive’s Latest Acquisition
I'm trying to get better at posting things here as they happen, but that didn't…
A Little Thursday Clive DERP
September 15, 2011
A Little Thursday Clive DERP
Lately, as the weather cools down, Clive has rekindled his love of running FAST, which…
Tailgate Season has begun!
September 4, 2011
Tailgate Season has begun!
Saturday morning marked the beginning of football season and let's be honest, the only part…
Clive’s New Collar
June 30, 2011
Clive’s New Collar
I know I promised our Kimchi Fish Taco recipe today, but I couldn't help but…
Naptime Karma
May 21, 2011
Naptime Karma
Neil was making fun of my frequency to nap on Saturdays earlier. Let me rephrase.…
Weekend Recap: Floating on the Current River
May 16, 2011
Weekend Recap: Floating on the Current River
On a whim, we decided to hit the Current River with a group of Neil's…
It’s Friday, Clive’s in Love…
April 29, 2011
It’s Friday, Clive’s in Love…
...with Cheerios that is. Probably not the lyrics The Cure had in mind.
The Boys are Sleeeeeping…
April 20, 2011
The Boys are Sleeeeeping…
The boys outnumber Libby and I, which makes it easy for them to hog the…
Clive’s Sleep Accommodations…
April 13, 2011
Clive’s Sleep Accommodations…
Every night when Clive gets tired, he likes to wedge himself behind us or bury…