One of my favorite flowers of all time, so cute!
I don’t know about you but I’m completely in a fit of burnout. I have so many things on the plate, and I feel like I’m making headway in none of them. I need a nice three day weekend to clear out, get things done, take a little time and have some good food and photos. What are you doing for Memorial Day?
This weekend we hope to:
- Till the garden bed and transplant tomatoes.
- Will the peppers with our brains to grow FASTER.
- Weed.
- Plant additional perennials in the lonely looking beds.
- Head to home improvement store for more starter soil, and maybe some…RASPBERRIES! (wewt!)
- Trim flowers in the front.
- Thieve tomato cages and misc herb starts from my mother’s stock.
- Play World of Warcraft (I haven’t logged on in over a month.)
- Send JD some ideas (I hope you like them Mr. Hodges, this isn’t an easy task)
- Bill J.R.
- Send Get well card to my Auntie
- Have an awesome BBQ with my dad and brothers. Make some bean burgers and strawberry rhubarb coffee cake.
- See Angels and Demons!
- Invites (ugh!)
- Relax? Neil says he’s going to “slam a brew.” Maybe I will too 😀
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