One of Clive’s first victims during his last bout of anxiety. He’s got strong little jaws!
Sorry guys, I meant to have a new recipe for today but it’s been one crazy week. We’re slowly starting the process of applying for jobs in the hope to relocate to a new city (more on that later!) and with everything else we have going on, the ol’ blog kind of fell on the backburner.
In addition, we think Clive is feeling our nerves as his separation anxiety has been creeping up again. Last night while we were at dinner (a treat to ourselves for making it to Wednesday), he scratched through the bamboo shades in our kitchen and chewed on his barrier gate to the den (we call it the Gate of Mordor if you like LoTR references). So we’re trying to comfort him and get him back on track while finishing out the week strong and with all of our fingernails. Everything will be fine, but do you ever notice how when you have a rough week it comes in pairs or three’s?
Have you ever had one of “those” weeks? How do you get through it?
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It seems like every week has been one of “those” weeks since we got our puppy! Which you already know from Twitter.
I’m taking a class this semester for fun, and I don’t think I’ll take another. Lately, I always feel rushed and short on time, and I’m not really getting that much out of the class. Working full time and taking classes for fun and getting a second dog and training for a marathon and trying to write a semi-awesome blog – well, you can see why I have a problem!
I hope your week gets better. Friday is right around the corner!
Yup, my week has been that way too! Personal Computer went crazy! (by the way, thanks Neil for offering to help fix it, I’m most likly taking you up on that offer) A work Computer went crazy, and then things have been just crazy in general at work (Moreso then usual). Yeah I agree, it’s been one of those weeks!!! I’m glad its over!
Zum anderen ist die Qualität auf dermassen schlecht, daß es keinen Spass macht, sich die Filme anzusehen.