Week 17 was insanely busy. Neil’s first race of the season always sets off a slew of different activities for us, and the things that have to be done each night in order to drive away from the house on Friday evening feeling prepared is daunting, especially when the spring weather doesn’t want to cooperate. The severe thunderstorms that stuck around throughout the week just made everything so difficult, and as a result, I only made it to the gym twice this week, which made me a little crabby — which was actually surprising to me.
I’m finding that I prioritize the gym quite a bit more than I did prior to getting pregnant. Being able to move and continue to work on goals does so much not only for me physically but mentally as well. I come home more energized and ready to tackle other projects and I’m much more productive throughout the rest of the day.
Coupled with diet, I still feel like I’m in the best shape of my life, despite having to take it easy, which is such a boost. I even took my new kettlebell to the track this weekend and swung it around a bit. Thankfully I don’t think anyone noticed me, but it was nice to keep moving a little bit and stay warm (it was really cold on Saturday).
Feelings: “Nesting”
The big theme of Week 17 was by far organization or “nesting” as some people prefer to call it. We’ve been more diligent about little things, like dishes in the sink and laundry, but now it’s expanded to systematic workflow creation, almost like our house itself is a small business. Legitimately we do actually run a business out of our home, but now I feel as if we are expanding “Operations” to include our normal day-to-day activities.
While I’ve talked a little about how I’ve organized myself in the past, we are now completely hooked on Trello. It’s a free, super-simplistic organization tool that allows multiple people to edit workboards. I use it at work, we use it for CrossFit Fringe and our other clients, and we now use it to organize our home life. It’s web-based, but you can also install a desktop app on Windows 8.
Lots of protein. Lots of veggies. As I mentioned above I think diet is 80% of the reason I feel so good so now it’s not torture to eat this way but constantly reaffirming and getting easier. People are obviously entitled to eat however they choose during pregnancy, but I can’t imagine functioning off some of what I see people eat.
My workouts were really lame this week. With weather and Neil’s race, I only made it in twice this week — aside from swinging the KB around a bit over the weekend at Neil’s race.
5×5 Strict Press (65#)
5x AMRep Strict Pull-Ups (I’m working on getting 3+ each set)
20 TGU (55/35) (adapted with my new pregnant Turkish Get-Up scale)
WOD: Tabata Those Shoulders!
Each Movement you will perform 8 Rounds (4 Minutes) of 20 Seconds Work/10 Seconds Rest. Your score is the lowest amount of reps completed within the 8 rounds.
HSPU (Handstand Push-ups)
DU (Double unders)
Push Press (completed at 65#)
And finally, a belly photo. Forgive my watery eyes and red nose, allergies have hit HARD this week.
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You look great! We’ve been in nesting mode, too. I got rid of a ton of stuff from our closets and I’m going to work on paper clutter next.
Adorable ‘baby belly’. Can’t wait to hear if baby is ‘he’ or ‘she’.